Cycle & trailer designer
Cycles and Trailers Designer
We are a French manufacturer developing and marketing original soft mobility solutions. We’re the first company in the world to market solar trailers that can be fitted to electrically-assisted bicycles, enabling you to recharge your bike and ride for long distances without recharging from the mains. We have since developed a wider range to meet the needs of frequent travelers, but also for more occasional use during a short stay or on a daily basis in town. Our products are made from quality materials, ideal for long hikes or intensive use.
Solarmoov Ecoflow solution
Solarmoov and Ecoflow have teamed up to offer the ultimate solution for recharging your electric bike and all those connected devices when you travel…
SolarMoov at EUROBIKE in Frankfurt - Join us!
Join us from July 3 to 7, 2024 in Frankfurt for the Mecca of the world’s bicycle trade fairs.
SolarMoov honored by INPI
The Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle (INPI) highlights SolarMoov as one of France’s innovative companies in the bicycle and soft mobility sector.
Finish of the Sun Trip 2024 - Sur la Route des Grandes Alpes
A superb crossing that ended in Nice on Saturday June 8, after a tour of the Grandes Alpes on bicycles. SolarMoov. It was a fantastic experience, according to the participants!
Switch to roof racks!
For carrying a surfboard, fishing rods or bulky cardboard boxes, think of the roof bars specially designed for the KERN SolarMoov.
"I traveled through the Alps with this superb Explorer trailer. My aim was to explore the mountain ranges and make base jumps in total autonomy. 32 days, 1718km and 17 jumps later, I can say that the trailer has more than met my needs. Fast charging, no wind resistance, and you hardly feel it behind the bike. In short, the perfect companion for adventure 😍
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"Rented a SolarMoov Explorer bike/trailer for a trip along the Loire, the Jura Massif and the Northern Alps. In 11 days, I never once recharged the battery from the mains, despite covering 1300 kms and more than 3500 m of ascent... "
"We chose SolarMoov as the payload and autonomy transport complement for our 5-man electric tandem trip planned for a year and 20,000km in Europe. After 14,000km and 135,000m of ascent, we're fans of the Explorer trailer. It's extremely maneuverable and stable thanks to its seatpost attachment, fairly light, sturdy (not a worry in 14,000km), the panel is adjustable, and the shock absorber provides comfort and flexibility. The panels surprised us with their performance
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"As the owner of a SolarMoov Explorer trailer, I've covered over 6,000 km on all the roads of France without a care in the world. I even bought a second one for my wife's bike. We've been riding together ever since, and we appreciate the sturdiness, maneuverability and practicality."
I had the opportunity to test the KERN trailer on the Sun Trip 2023. Practical, solid, secure and stable: the perfect storage solution for all cyclists!